Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jungle Safari

January 3 - A few days later we went to a jungle called Sasan Gir. We stayed at a hotel called Sinh Sadan. By the way lion is called Sinh in India. The next day we woke up at like 5 in the morning to go on an open jeep safari. We could see lion, deer, cheetah, sambar and leopard. At the beginning of the trip we saw two lions first we saw a male that was only for 4 years old but it did not look small it was pretty big it only had very little of it’s mane. Then after minutes we saw it’s twin sister it was also 4 years. It was the same size as the male. It was so cool. At the jungle we saw bunches of spotted deer all kinds of birds. It was cool.

At Vadodara basically all the animals I saw there were dogs, cows, goat, rooster, and buffaloes.

Animals in India

Feeding a cow in Vadodara

Sambar (huge antelope) in Gir Jungle

A lion 10 feet from our open air jeep in Gir Jungle

A horse ride at Somnath temple

A camel ride at Somnath Temple

Petting an elephant in Gujarat

Mendhi ceremony in wedding - December 26

I had mendhi (henna) put on my hands and legs...very pretty.

In Diu

January 2, 2009 - Today we are staying at a different hotel right across the beach. It’s called Rhadhika Beach Resort it’s a 5 star hotel in Diu (west Gujarat). It includes a restaurant, a pool, playground, health club, and a recreation room. It was awesome! Today after lunch we went to the pool for like 30 minutes and got out because it was freezing cold. So after that all of us took a shower. Then a few hours later we went to the caves. At the caves there were Banyan trees that are the trees were you can swing on like Tarzan. It was really awesome!

The next day we saw bunches of coconut trees. The cool thing was we got to drink the liquid part of it but it was horrible (my parents loved it). The fun thing we did at restaurants was the finger bowls. A finger bowl is when you are done with lunch or dinner they will give you a bowl with water and lime in it and that’s how we clean our hands. Happy New Years to all of you!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Wonderful Day

December 26th was Mendhi day for the wedding! One or two days before an Indian style wedding, the bride and gets Mendhi put on. This is called Mendhi day. On Mendhi (also it is called henna day) day they get these professional people that put Mendhi on you (hands, feet are optional.)as well as the bride (but the men and boys do not do it) Only the women and girls do it. They do Mendhi just to get the bride ready for the wedding and make the skin pretty. After the Mendhi is done, they will mix lemon and sugar or lime and sugar together and they will take cotton and slightly rub it on your hand so then the Mendhi won’t fall off. By the way, they did that all to me and I did it on my feet as well. The color of the Mendhi is dark brown and the pattern is very pretty. It fades away after a few days. Hopefully, it won’t fade away before I come back
The cool thing was I got see buffaloes on the road. There were like 20 buffaloes they were all black with huge horns. At the end there was a baby trying to catch up with rest. It was cute but funny!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Weekend in India

Did you guys know that in India they don’t use tissue paper they use water and wash it. Also in India they have these different toilets that you have to squat down and then go to the bathroom. It is very hard.
When you’re on the road in one minute you will hear like ten honks. It’s very annoying. The food is AWESOME!!! It’s not spicy but you can make it spicy only if you want to. To make it spicy you add marchu. Marchus are different kinds of spices (including red chili pepper).
Also today I’m going to my relative’s anniversary. My relatives are Shivani Ben, Avani Ben, Amul mama, Shoba mami, Dadima, Shreya, and Saumya. At the wedding anniversary it was so fun there was a beautiful waterfall. There was also two bridges. It was really fun!
The weird thing is that at least once a day we either go to somebody’s house or go shopping. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 19, 2008

What I did on Friday

What I did was shopping but the other thing I did was ride on a motor bike which was the best thing I did that day. Well that's basically what I did that day!